
Showing posts from November, 2023

Ramachandra Guha - Makers of modern India Chapter 1 The first liberal - Rammohan Roy an analysis

     This is a book about modern Indian history told by summing up the contributions of great personalities in a chronological order. The first chapter talks about Rammohan Roy, who we commonly identify with the title "Raja". Ramachandra Guha refuses to call him Raja as it is irrelevant in the post independence, Indian republic. (Article 18 of the Indian Constitution abolishes such titles)    The title of this chapter intrigued me. Rammohan Roy was called the Harbinger of modern India and the morning sun. Gopal Krishna Gokhale called him the father of modern India. But refering him as the first liberal is pretty exciting.       Ramachandra Guha addresses the three main contribution of Rammohan Roy. Which are: Relations between Men and Women, The Freedom of the Press and The Need for Modern Education. The author gives a vivid picture about the knowledge and ideology of Rammohan Roy by giving us several excerpts from his letters addressed to the British monarchy and Governor ge